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Spring Creek at Ft. Defiance State Park, Emmet County

Daniel Ruf

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Turin Prairie, Monona County

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Cedar Valley Nature Trail

Nathan Houck

Protecting and restoring Iowa’s land, water and wildlife.

We’ve helped protect over 190,000 acres of Iowa prairies, woodlands, lakes and rivers and blazed the way for Iowa’s trails.

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Recent Stories

  • $470,000 to go to central Iowa wetlands thanks to Prairie Meadows grant

    AUG. 29, 2024

    Prairie Meadows Casino recently announced that four central Iowa wetlands projects — including Brenton Slough — will get a $470,000 Legacy Grant to support water quality, habitat, and conservation education.

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  • Acorn Crew: Clouds

    AUG. 26, 2024

    Did you know there are more than 10 different types of clouds? Some are thin and wispy, some are big and fluffy, some decorate the sky on sunny days and others are a sure sign of rain. Why don't you step outside and see if you can spot any today. While you look, let's explore how clouds are formed!

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  • Inaugural year of the State Parks of Iowa Fund

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    Iowa's state parks continue to see an increase in visitors; the Fund helps meet visitors' needs.

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  • What's a Watershed

    AUG. 22, 2024

    If you live near the Mississippi River, you have probably noted its impressive length, spanning from Minnesota to Louisiana. Less commonly known is how far water has traveled to get to that point. The Mississippi River's watershed is the biggest in the United States. But what is a watershed?

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  • City Escape

    AUG. 2, 2024

    Creating places of respite close to Iowa's biggest population base

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