Sedge Wren in Iowa

Sedge Wren

Bruce Morrison


INHF produces several print publications alongside our online stories and news.

Iowa Natural Heritage

INHF’s quarterly magazine features stories about recent INHF projects, outdoor recreation opportunities and best tips for conservation practices. Read our recent issues below:

Strategic Plan

In 2019, INHF completed a 5-year strategic plan outlining our goals and expansion into 2024.
INHF 2019-2024 Strategic Plan

Nature's Advocate

Nature’s Advocate is a guide designed to help you develop your own course of action for advocacy. This guide introduces natural resource and outdoor recreation issues, information about specific conservation programs, an overview of the Iowa legislative process and ideas for engaging in advocacy in accordance with your comfort level. Download a copy of the guide here or request a free print copy by emailing or phone at 515-288-1846, ext. 41.


Iowa Landowner Options, 7th edition

A guide for helping Iowa landowners explore methods for permanently protecting their land’s special natural features. Visit our Iowa Landowner Options website for more information. Request a free print copy.

Iowa Landowner Options Logo

A Bird’s Eye View

A Guide to Managing and Protecting Your Land for Neotropical Migratory Birds in the Upper Mississippi River Blufflands

Designed for landowners, conservationists, policy-makers or bird enthusiasts, this booklet explores the definition of neotropical migrants, the threats they face, and what can be done to address those threats. 

Woodland Health

Stewardship Options for Iowa Woodland Owners

This 32-page booklet provides a holistic view of caring for Iowa woodlands — from the top of the canopy to the woodland flowers and wildlife below. Chapter topics include the history of Iowa woodlands, controlling invasive plants, avoiding fragmentation and much more.