2022 Volunteer Recap
By Melanie Schmidt on November 21, 2022 in Blog
Whether volunteers participate in an organized event, spend their free time restoring the land, lend a hand in our office, collect wildlife data, or act as an advocate for the work we do, it all makes a difference in the work we do across the state.
Thanks to our volunteers, this year INHF met a huge milestone. We surpassed 20,000 total volunteer hours dedicated to our organization over the last 10 years and across Iowa! Just this year alone, volunteers:
- Several miles of trail were built and reconstructed for future recreators to enjoy and use.
- Hundreds of hours were spent removing non-native species allowing Iowa’s native species to thrive in their environments.
- Volunteers across the state played a key role in collecting valuable data for bat research.
Check out more volunteer highlights below or watch the Volunteer Impact video.
2022 volunteers by the numbers:

While these number can’t tell the full story of how volunteers contribute to our mission, the impact that is made on the land is monumental! Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers we interacted with this year; we couldn't do what we do without you!
If you’re interested in volunteering with INHF, visit our volunteer page or contact Melanie Schmidt, volunteer coordinator.