For the love of birds
By Taylor on February 20, 2015 in Blog
Satuday, March 7, will be an Iowa bird-lover’s dream come true. Waterman Prairie Wildlife Management Area will become the latest Bird Conservation Area (BCA) in Iowa, and the O’Brien County Prairie Heritage Center will host its Bald Eagle Watch.

Fog rolls in over Waterman Prairie.
Waterman Prairie: The Iowa DNR is hosting the public dedication ceremony of Waterman Prairie at 11:00 a.m. at the Prairie Heritage Center. Brief presentations will be given, and a driving tour of the area will be led by a local birding expert after the ceremony. This event is open to the public. Refreshments will be provided.
INHF, along with reps from the DNR, The Nature Conservancy and the Iowa Audubon Society, will be present to partake in the ceremony and speak to participants.
The DNR has high hopes for Waterman Prairie:
It is anticipated that this new BCA will attract bird enthusiasts from throughout the region. Watching wildlife is now a $318 million industry in Iowa, and more birders visiting this area should support growth of the local tourism economy and encourage investment in local bird conservation.

An eagle prepares to land.
Bald Eagle Watch: The watch will be at the Heritage Center with access to the elevated viewing deck. It will be an open house from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Spotting scopes and binoculars will be available for use.
The O'Brien County Naturalist and members of the Iowa Lakes Audubon Society will be on hand to help with spotting and identifying eagles, and a rep from S.O.A.R. (Saving Our Avian Resources) will be bringing a live bald eagle at 2 p.m. She will discuss the bird’s special adaptations and provide additional information about their population status.
Contact Charlene Elyea at 712-295-7200 for more information on the Bald Eagle Watch.