Rick Dietz of Ames Wins 2020 Hagie Heritage Award
Posted on November 30, 2020 in Press Center
Contact Joe Jayjack, INHF communications director
jjayjack@inhf.org, 515-288-1846, ext. 19
Rick Dietz of Ames wins 2020 Hagie Heritage Award
AMES – Rick Dietz of Ames has been selected to receive the 2020 Lawrence and Eula Hagie Heritage Award. The Hagie Heritage Award is given annually by Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation (INHF), to recognize Iowans who have demonstrated extraordinary personal service and commitment to improving the quality of Iowa's natural environment and who encourage others to do the same.
“I can attest that Rick has a tremendous passion for Iowa’s natural heritage and is one of our go-to supporters for volunteer and advocacy needs,” said Erica Place, outreach coordinator of Story County Conservation and one of the people to nominate Dietz. “Just this fiscal year, Rick has logged {hundreds of} volunteer hours and recruited and educated others to contribute to the cause.”
Dietz was nominated for his conservation leadership in Story County and his personal commitment to protecting and improving natural resources, as well as taking the initiative in enhancing environmental programs in the area. Dietz has gone far beyond the expectations of any volunteer.
“Rick has a very well-rounded volunteer resume for us. His volunteerism has benefitted us as an organization both through trails and natural resources work,” said Brandon Clough, a natural resources specialist also from Story County Conservation.
Dietz has dedicated countless hours and his talents to Story County Conservation programming with invasive species removal, geocache program, membership on the Trails Advisory Committee, GIS trail data collection and contributions of photos and videos of landscapes, sightings and park projects. Not only has Dietz spent his time improving natural resources, but he also has connected people with nature.
“Rick has demonstrated his devotion for Iowa’s land, water and wildlife and helped countless individuals truly appreciate natural resources in the area,” said Joe McGovern, INHF’s president. “His commitment to improving and protecting our environment epitomizes what the Hagie Award was created for.”
The Hagie Heritage Award was established by Janice Hagie Shindel of Florida and Ila Jeanne Hagie Logan of Moville, IA in honor of their parents, Lawrence and Eula Hagie.
The Hagie Heritage Award recipient receives $1,000 and a hand-carved acorn sculpture made by INHF members Dennis and Linda Schlicht of Center Point.
Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation is a nonprofit conservation group that works with private landowners and public partners to protect and restore Iowa's land, water and wildlife. Since its founding in 1979, INHF has helped protect more than 180,000 acres of Iowa's natural resources and blazed the way for trails across the state. For more information about INHF, visit www.inhf.org
For more information about INHF’s Hagie Heritage Award and the nomination process, visit http://www.inhf.org/about-us/scholarships-awards/hagie-nominations/