Iris at Quigley-Slattery Heritage Prairie, Buchanan County
Jessica Rilling
MAR. 14, 2019
On Tuesday, March 12, more than 40 gifts of land, land value or conservation easements were recognized at the Iowa Capitol. Gift to Iowa's Future Day is an annual celebration of private landowners and organizations for their contributions to conservation and recreational efforts across Iowa in 2019. This year, these gifts totaled more than $6 million and protected 5,700 acres across 35 counties.
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FEB. 28, 2018
On Monday, March 5, 46 landowners will be recognized at the Iowa State Capitol for their contributions to conservation efforts in Iowa in 2017. “Gift to Iowa's Future” day is a yearly celebration of private landowners and organizations who made gifts of land, land value or conservation easements. In 2017, these gifts totaled more than $11 million and protected nearly 5,500 acres of land in 32 counties. Thirty-seven of the donors being recognized worked with INHF.
JUN. 6, 2017
Ann G. and Sigurd Anderson were honored this year at Gift to Iowa's Future Day, a ceremony recognizing Iowa landowners who gave gifts of land or conservation easements to the state. Ann and Sig originally donated a conservation easement on Green Pastures in Dickinson County before donating the land to INHF for longterm management and ownership.