Iris at Quigley-Slattery Heritage Prairie, Buchanan County
Jessica Rilling
JAN. 20, 2022
Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation (INHF) will host a winter work day at Perkins Prairie on Saturday, Feb. 5 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Volunteers will remove unwanted brush and non-native plants from the prairie and are welcome to stay and hike after the event.
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JUN. 1, 2021
Grab your hiking boots and head to Snyder Heritage Farm to experience native flowers such as prairie phlox and Ohio spiderwort in full bloom. Bring binoculars, if you have them, to observe and enjoy grassland birds.
JAN. 30, 2017
Winter burns allow conservation groups the opportunity to change or diversify a landscape in the offseason.