Iris at Quigley-Slattery Heritage Prairie, Buchanan County
Jessica Rilling
NOV. 25, 2019
For over four decades, INHF and its partners have been protecting the Iowa Great Lakes. Several projects this past year have led INHF to strengthen its connection to this special place and the community of people committed to protecting it.
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JUL. 20, 2017
Conservation easements allow landowners to retain the ownership and use of their land, but place desired restrictions on the land's current and future use, like development, mining or other practices that might be detrimental to the land's natural resources.
JUN. 15, 2017
Ann and Sigurd Anderson recently donated their property near West Lake Okoboji to INHF. A team of INHF interns and staff have started restoration work on some of the remnant prairie.
JUN. 6, 2017
Ann G. and Sigurd Anderson were honored this year at Gift to Iowa's Future Day, a ceremony recognizing Iowa landowners who gave gifts of land or conservation easements to the state. Ann and Sig originally donated a conservation easement on Green Pastures in Dickinson County before donating the land to INHF for longterm management and ownership.