Trailblazers Academy (Westfield)

Trailblazers Academy is a three-day prescribed fire workshop designed to empower women engaging in prescribed and wildland fire, natural resource management, and conservation. The training strives to create a safe and supportive environment where women from all backgrounds and levels of experience can strengthen their operational and leadership skills and foster connections with other women in natural resources. 

Trailblazers uses an inclusive definition of “women” and “female,” including transgender women and gender non-conforming individuals. The workshop is based in western Iowa and has an emphasis on fire in Iowa and adjacent states, but we welcome applicants from all geographies. Trailblazers is hosted by The Nature Conservancy and organized in partnership with Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation and a variety of conservation agencies and organizations.  

Dates: June 3-5, check-in on June 2 and operational day on June 6

Cost: Free – meals and lodging included 

Registration closes March 23, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. or when event capacity (40 participants) is reached. 

For more information and application form, visit this site


Tuesday, June 3, 2025 - Thursday, June 5, 2025

All Day

Broken Kettle Grasslands, Joy Hollow Addition
14092 Butcher Rd
Westfield, IA