Jim Wooley Family Tract

Aerial view of the planned addition to Heritage Hills

INHF is partnering with Pheasants Forever to protect 422 acres of land near the adjacent Heritage Hills Wildlife Management Area, which INHF helped the DNR acquire over several years. 

Dubbed the Jim Wooley Family Tract — named after longtime Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever staffer Jim Wooley — the site includes over 180 acres of woodland and 160 acres of grassland with additional acres in hay production and riparian along the creek. The grassland shows signs of remnant prairie. These grasslands will provide critical habitat for bird species such as Henslow’s sparrow, eastern meadowlark and bobwhite quail.

The woodlands include native species such as bur and white oak and shagbark and bitternut hickory. Spring ephemerals can also be found in the wooded area.  

Map of Addition to Heritage Hills